How to Create a Video Story from Canvas Spotify


CahDroid | Already know the Canvas feature on Spotify? Well, in this article we will share how to make a music video story from the spotify canvas.

For those who like to listen to music or stream songs on mobile devices, of course, you are familiar with Spotify. Spotify is a popular application especially for listening to your favorite songs from around the world.

We can use Spotify not only on mobile devices, we can even use desktops and smart tvs to stream music using this application.

In addition to listening to your favorite music, we can also use the features in Spotify to create stories on social media. If previously we have discussed the latest ways and tricks to share Spotify music lyric stories, then this time we will share a new trick, namely how to share Spotify story canvas.

What is Spotify Canvas?

Canvas Spotify is a special feature provided by Spotify for music artists. Canvas itself is a video that is played repeatedly (looping) which usually appears when we play music from a particular artist.

The video that is playing is not from Spotify, but the setting from the artist directly, so sometimes there may be some songs that if we play it still doesn’t provide a video canvas.

How to Create a Video Story from Canvas Spotify

This canvas feature will automatically turn on when we use the Spotify application. In addition to adding uniqueness when playing music, we can also use this canvas to make cool music video stories. For a complete guide, see the tutorial below.

1. Open the Spotify application on your Smartphone, then tap the search menu and search for the song you want to play.

Create a Video Story from Canvas Spotify

2. Tap the currently playing music in the bottom bar to enter the playing view menu. If so, tap the three dots in the upper right corner.

How to Create a Video Story from Canvas Spotify

3. Then select the Share menu to share the Canvas video. Next, select one of the social media that you will use as a place to share the canvas.

Create a Video Story from Canvas Spotify

4. Here we use stories on Instagram and the results are as shown below. You can move the album cover in the middle to where you want it. Also add text or stickers to add to the uniqueness of the story. You can turn off the Canvas feature if you don’t like it, by going to the Settings menu or the gear icon on the home page. After that you just select the canvas feature and turn it off.

Create a Video Story from Canvas Spotify

We can use this canvas feature to create a unique and different music video story than usual. The steps to make it are also fairly easy. The good thing is that we don’t need to use editing applications or edit videos again that we will make stories later.

Hope this article helped you learn how to create a video story from the Spotify canvas. If you still have questions regarding this guide, please leave a comment in the column below.

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