How to Display Unique Text on WhatsApp


WhatsApp is one of the most popular chat applications equipped with supporting features. These features make it easier and more comfortable for us to use WhatsApp. One feature of WhatsApp that is often used is the Status feature.

By utilizing this status feature, we can share all the activities we do, whether in the form of photos, videos, or just stories in the form of text. Even recently the WhatsApp status feature is widely used to promote a product.

Text message status is quite often used by WhatsApp users. We can write down various kinds of information. Before sending a text message to the status menu, we can choose what type of font and background to use. However, there are only a few types of fonts available here.

To create a unique writing on the status of a text message is not difficult. We can take advantage of the font generator site. We can choose various types of fonts in it. So that on the status of text messages and on the captions used for photos or videos that will be made our status can use unique writing. Here are the steps to create a unique writing.

How to Display Unique Text on WhatsApp

  1. How to Display Unique Text on WhatsAppOpen the browser application on your device. Then go to any font generator site.
  2. Here, we use a font generator site called Type the text that you will use for WhatsApp status. Type in the column provided.
  3. Automatically, the site will display a variety of unique text options. You can choose one of the posts that you will use by blocking the text, then select copy or cut.
  4. Open the WhatsApp application and go straight to the status feature. Upload a photo and give a caption by pasting the unique text that was copied earlier and then pressing the send button.

Well, those were the steps to display unique posts on WhatsApp. Actually, in addition to being used in the WhatsApp status feature, this unique writing can also be used in the WhatsApp chat feature.

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